An Herbal Guide to the Full Moon in Scorpio

Herbs for the Full Moon in Scorpio | Herbal Recipes for Scorpio Full Moon Rituals

What does the full moon in Scorpio symbolize?


The full moon in Scorpio symbolizes intense emotions, transformation, and deep introspection. Scorpio is associated with themes of power, passion, and regeneration. During a full moon in Scorpio, emotions tend to run high, and there may be a focus on uncovering hidden truths, letting go of the past, and embracing personal growth. It's a time for self-discovery, facing fears, and releasing what no longer serves you in order to move forward with clarity and empowerment.

Scorpio Full Moon Symbolism

In order to tune into the energy of the full moon in Scorpio, consider what emotions or desires you are feeling intensely right now. Are there any fears or insecurities you are willing to release in effort to experience greater personal growth? What aspects of your life requires transformation or renewal, and what aspects of yourself do you need to let go of in order to make room for new beginnings? Consider how you can embrace vulnerability and authenticity in your relationships, and how you can cultivate a deeper sense of trust and intimacy within your connections with others.

Reflecting on these questions can help you gain insight, clarity, and emotional healing during the powerful energy of this full moon in Scorpio. Express gratitude for those people and things that bring balance, support, and a sense of joy, beauty and harmony into your life, and reach out to them to express your gratitude.

Find some actions below that will help use herbs to better connect with the symbolic aspects of the full moon in Scorpio.

Key Symbolic Aspects of the Full Moon in Scorpio

Introspection & Emotional Depth

Scorpio is a water sign associated with deep emotions and introspection. During a full moon in Scorpio, emotions are heightened, and there’s a tendency to delve deep into one’s feelings and subconscious mind.


  • Set aside some quiet time for reflection. Journaling about your feelings, meditating, or practicing deep breathing exercises can help you connect with your inner emotions and gain clarity on any underlying issues.

  • Brew a cup of herbal tea using calming herbs like chamomile, lavender, or lemon balm. Sip the tea mindfully as you journal or meditate, allowing the soothing properties of the herbs to help you relax and delve deeper into your emotions.

Transformation & Renewal

Scorpio is also associated with transformation and regeneration. Just as the symbol of the scorpion sheds its skin, this lunar phase encourages letting go of the old and embracing personal growth and renewal.


  • Create a ritual for letting go of the past and welcoming new beginnings. This could involve writing down things you’re ready to release, burning the paper as a symbolic gesture of transformation, and setting intentions for the future.

  • Create a cleansing herbal bath using herbs like sage, rosemary, or eucalyptus. Add the herbs to a warm bath and soak for a while, visualizing the water washing away any negative energy and renewing your spirit.

Power & Passion

Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, making it a sign of power, passion, and intensity. This full moon can bring a surge of energy and drive, amplifying desires and motivations.


  • Channel your energy into a creative or physical activity that ignites your passion. Whether it’s dancing, painting, or engaging in a challenging workout, allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience and feel the surge of power and vitality.

  • Burn herbs like cinnamon, ginger, or cloves as incense during a creative or physical activity. The spicy aroma of these herbs can help energize and invigorate you, enhancing your sense of power and passion.

Facing Shadows

Scorpio is not afraid to confront the darker aspects of life, including secrets, fears, and taboos. A full moon in Scorpio may shine a light on hidden truths or unresolved issues, inviting us to face our shadows and embrace transformation.


  • Confront a fear or insecurity head-on. This could involve having a candid conversation with someone, seeking therapy or counseling, or engaging in shadow work exercises to explore and integrate hidden aspects of yourself.

  • Use protective stones like black tourmaline, and herbs like mugwort and cedarwood to create a sacred space for shadow work. Burn the herbs or place them around your meditation area to create a sense of safety and support as you explore deeper aspects of yourself.

Psychic Sensitivity

Scorpio is known for its psychic sensitivity and intuition. During a full moon in Scorpio, there may be heightened psychic awareness and a deeper connection to the subconscious mind.


  • Practice tuning into your intuition. Spend time in nature, meditate, or use divination tools such as tarot cards or runes to tap into your inner wisdom and gain insights into your subconscious mind.

  • Drink a cup of herbal tea made with herbs known for their psychic-enhancing properties, such as mugwort, damiana, or mugwort. As you sip the tea, focus on opening up your intuition and connecting with your inner guidance.

Embracing Vulnerability

Despite their intense nature, Scorpios also value vulnerability and authenticity. This lunar phase encourages embracing vulnerability as a path to emotional healing and deeper connection with others.


  • Open up to someone you trust about your feelings or struggles. Share your authentic self without fear of judgment, and allow yourself to be vulnerable in the presence of supportive loved ones.

  • Burn herbs like rose petals, hibiscus, or jasmine as incense or in a smudge stick. These fragrant herbs can evoke feelings of love, compassion, and acceptance, creating a supportive atmosphere for embracing vulnerability and authenticity.

Release and Surrender

Scorpio teaches the importance of surrendering to the natural cycles of life and death. A full moon in Scorpio invites us to release what no longer serves us, whether it's old habits, fears, or attachments, in order to make space for new growth and possibilities.


  • Practice letting go of attachments and expectations. Take a mindful walk and imagine releasing any burdens or worries with each step, or engage in a releasing meditation where you visualize releasing negative energy and surrendering to the flow of life.

  • Create a releasing herbal sachet using herbs like lavender, rosemary, or dandelion. Write down what you're ready to release on a piece of paper, place it in the sachet along with the herbs, and bury it in the earth as a symbolic gesture of letting go and surrendering to the natural cycle of life.

An Herbal Guide to the Full Moon in Scorpio

Herbs for the Full Moon in Scorpio

Incorporating herbs and other botanicals into your full moon rituals can be a intentional way to ground and amplify the symbolic energy associated with Scorpio. The full moon in Scorpio offers a unique opportunity to tap into the protective, determined and passionate energies associated with the sign. Let’s take a look at how botanicals that are symbolically aligned to Scorpio can help ground the intense, transformative energy of the moment.

Herbs for Balance and Harmony

Several herbs are symbolic of Scorpian energy due to their associations with transformation.

Here are some herbs that resonate with Scorpio’s energy under the full moon:


Nettles are associated with transformation and vitality, making them a suitable herb for rituals during the full moon in Scorpio. Their energizing properties can help amplify Scorpio's passionate and intense energy, supporting rituals focused on personal growth and empowerment.


Basil supports vitality, passion, and transformation, reflecting Scorpio's intensity and desire for depth. Basil is beneficial during a full moon in Scorpio for its purifying and transformative properties, aligning with Scorpio's intense energy to facilitate deep emotional healing and spiritual renewal.


Myrrh is associated with deep transformation and spiritual growth, making it a potent botanical for rituals during the full moon in Scorpio. Its rich and resinous scent can help enhance the intensity of Scorpio's energy and support rituals focused on releasing old patterns and embracing personal renewal.

Dragon’s Blood

Dragon's blood resin has powerful protective and empowering properties, making it an excellent choice for rituals during the full moon in Scorpio. Its mystical energy can help amplify Scorpio's strength and determination, making it ideal for rituals aimed at empowerment and manifestation.


Blackberry supports intuition, transformation, and protection, supporting Scorpio’s depth and intensity. Blackberry is useful during a full moon in Scorpio for its association with protection, abundance, and hidden wisdom, synergizing with Scorpio's intense energy to uncover and harness deep-seated desires and potentials for growth.

Herbal Recipes for a Full Moon in Scorpio

Herbal Recipes for Scorpio Full Moon Rituals

Focus on releasing what no longer serves you and embracing the energies of culmination and manifestation during the full moon. Use this time to reflect on your achievements, express gratitude, and amplify the intentions set during the new moon. Find three recipes below that you can incorporate into your full moon practices, using meditation, visualization, journaling, and energy work to help ground the heightened energies of the Full Moon and align with your deepest desires and aspirations.

Here are three herbal recipes to specifically support Scorpio full moon rituals:

Myrrh & Dragon’s Blood Incense Blend


  • 2 parts myrrh resin

  • 1 part dragon’s blood resin

  • Optional: a few drops of essential oils like frankincense or patchouli


  • Grind the myrrh and dragon’s blood resins into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle.

  • Mix the powdered resins together thoroughly.

  • Add a few drops of essential oils if desired and mix well.

  • Use this incense blend during your full moon practices to support focus, protection, and spiritual connection.

Nettle & Blackberry Tea


  • 1 part dried nettle leaves

  • 1 part dried blackberry leaves

  • 1 part dried basil leaves

  • Honey or sweetener of choice (optional)


  • Boil 12 oz water per tablespoon of herbs and pour it over the dried herbs in a heatproof container.

  • Let the herbs steep for 5-10 minutes, depending on desired strength.

  • Strain the tea into cup(s) and sweeten with honey if desired.

  • Enjoy this nourishing tea during your ritual to promote grounding, vitality, and intuition.

Basil Infused Anointing Oil


  • 1/4 cup dried basil leaves

  • 1/2 cup carrier oil (such as almond, jojoba, or olive oil)

  • A small glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid


  • Place the dried basil leaves in the glass bottle.

  • Pour the carrier oil over the basil leaves, making sure they are completely submerged.

  • Seal the bottle tightly and place it in a warm, dark spot for one to two weeks to infuse, shaking every couple days.

  • Strain the infused oil into a clean bottle or container.

  • Use this basil-infused oil to anoint yourself or objects during your ritual, invoking the energies of protection, abundance, and purification.

These recipes can help enhance the potency and intentionality of your full moon in Scorpio rituals, incorporating the powerful energies of the selected botanicals.

Note: It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new herbs into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

Approach these recipes with mindfulness and gratitude to the earth for providing them. Focus on the symbolic qualities of each herb. Adjust proportions and combinations based on personal preferences and sensitivities. Best wishes on your journey to become passionate and transformative! Cheers to your beautiful energy during this year’s full moon in Scorpio!


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