An Herbal Guide to the New Moon in Pisces

— 12 minute read —

Your Moment of Intuition

I love the new moon phase! It’s like a reset button every…single…synodic month (a full lunar cycle of 29.53059 days), and honestly, observing the moon cycle and seasons (over of a manmade system of am/pm, weekdays, months…and especially fiscal quarters — hah), aligns me with time in a way that feels eternally connected to space, nature and all the beautiful cycles of life. What’s your relationship with the moon? Is there a phase that really speaks to you? What season do you look forward to most?

I don’t know if it’s because I was born this time of year, or whether it’s simply a matter of random preference, but this is my favorite time of year because (here in Colorado) it marks the end of death — a time when the earth is in its final moments of deep sleep — the last breath before the earth rises to meet more warmth, light, and new life. It gives me a feeling of hope and promise I can’t get during any other time of the year.

An Herbal Guide to the New Moon in Pisces

BE WARNED...this is a long post. If you want to get on with your beautiful day, but still want to absorb some of the “guiding light” the current moon phase has to offer, I get it. I am happy to email you summaries of each new and full moon phase as they grace us. If not, please enjoy this info and comment and share if so inclined…or else, please come again another time and…have an amazing day : )

Welcome to the New Moon in Pisces!

In this post, we’ll explore the following themes:

  • New Moon Intention and Energy: We’ll dive into the significance of the new moon in Pisces and its potential influence on intentions and practices at this time. We’ll look at Piscean traits and explain how using specific herbs during this lunar phase can amplify Piscean energy.

  • Herbs Aligned with Pisces: We’ll explore herbs that resonate with the characteristic traits of Pisces, such as intuition and creativity and highlight how these herbs can elevate and support the positive qualities associated with the sign.

  • Herbal Recipes for the New Moon in Pisces: We’ll take a look at practical tips and recipes for new moon intention practices, highlighting ways to incorporate supporting herbs into daily practices and new moon rituals.

Sound good? Okay. Let’s get started!

the New Moon in Pisces invites us to tap into Intuition, Facilitate Emotional Healing, Stimulate Creativity, and Develop a spiritual connection.

Using herbs during the new moon in Pisces can be a way to align with Piscean traits and harness the energies associated with this mystical lunar phase. Here are some reasons why you might choose to do so:

  • Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, and certain herbs are believed to heighten intuitive abilities and psychic awareness. By incorporating herbs known for their intuitive properties, such as mugwort or lavender, you can deepen your connection to your inner guide and spiritual insight.

  • Pisces energy is associated with emotional sensitivity and compassion. Herbs with calming and nurturing properties, such as lemon balm, chamomile or rose, can support emotional healing and release during this lunar phase, helping you to navigate your emotions with greater ease and compassion.

  • Pisces is a sign of creativity and imagination. Herbs known for their creative and inspirational properties, such as jasmine or ylang-ylang, can stimulate the imagination and encourage artistic expression during the new moon, fostering a deeper connection to your creative muse. If your muse is the moon, all the better!

  • Pisces is deeply connected to the spiritual realm and the unseen. Herbs with sacred or ceremonial significance, such as sage or frankincense, can help you cultivate a sense of reverence and connection to the divine during the new moon, supporting spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or ritual.

All in all, using herbs during the new moon in Pisces can be a way to support and align with the Piscean traits of intuition, compassion, creativity, and spiritual connection — regardless of whether those traits are normally your strong suit or not. Either way, you can use the lunar/herbal connection to support personal growth and your own alignment with the energies of this mystical lunar phase.

New Moon Intention & Energy

During the new moon, energies are typically associated with introspection, new beginnings, and setting intentions for the new and current moon cycle. Here are some energies commonly aligned with the new moon phase:

  • Setting Intentions: Setting new moon intentions — honing in on what you wish to manifest, achieve, or cultivate during the current lunar cycle (and during your lifespan) is encouraged at the beginning of each new moon phase. You may include goals related to personal growth, career, relationships, health, or spirituality, but I strongly advise you to keep an intention journal and write your intentions down at the beginning of each lunar cycle. It’s quite something to look back and see how you ebb and flow, wax and wane toward your ideal self and circumstance (but it’s pretty hard to do this without writing it down), so write your intentions down! Visit my other site, The Narrative Boutique, for some help with new moon intention journaling prompts.

  • Planting Seeds: Like planting seeds in fertile soil, the new moon symbolizes a time of sowing the seeds of your desires and aspirations. Focus on planting the seeds of intention that will blossom and grow over the course of the current lunar cycle and beyond.

  • Starting Anew: The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, offering a fresh start and an opportunity to leave behind what no longer serves you. Use this energy to release old patterns, habits, or beliefs that may be holding you back and shift your focus toward embracing new beginnings and the potential they can have in your life.

  • Introspection and Reflection: Each new moon invites introspection and self-reflection. Take time to go inward, connect with your inner wisdom, and assess where you are on your journey. Use this time for meditation, journaling, or contemplation.

  • Embracing Change: The new moon is a time of transition and change. Embrace the energy of change and remain open to new possibilities and opportunities that may present themselves during this lunar phase. Let go of fear and trust in the process of growth and transformation.

  • Setting Clear Goals: Use the energy of the new moon to clarify your intentions, goals and aspirations. Be specific and intentional about what you want to manifest, and visualize your desired outcomes with clarity and conviction. It is really important here that you believe in your ability to achieve the desired outcome — intentional baby steps are encouraged on the journey to fulfilling complex or over-arching intentions.

  • Cleansing and Clearing: Take advantage of the purifying energy of the new moon to cleanse and clear the energy in your space. This can involve practices such as cleansing with sage, taking a salt bath, or decluttering your physical environment to create space for new energy to flow.

  • Embracing Stillness: The new moon is a time of stillness and silence. Allow yourself to slow down, rest, and recharge your energy reserves. Cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility as you prepare to continue your journey into the next moon phase (which encourages the active pursuit of your goals and intentions)!

By aligning with these energies and setting clear new moon intentions, you can harness the power of this potent lunar phase to manifest your desires and create positive change in your life. Embrace the cyclical nature of the journey and prepare to work for what you want to achieve. You won’t regret the effort.

Themes of a New Moon in Pisces

New Moon Themes during Pisces

Several themes emerge that resonate with the mystical and intuitive energy of this water sign during this new moon, and it’s a potent time for spiritual growth, emotional healing, creative inspiration, and intuitive exploration!

During the new moon in Pisces, some prominent themes include:

  • Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Pisces is deeply connected to intuition and inner knowing. During the new moon in Pisces, there is a heightened emphasis on tuning into your intuition, trusting your instincts, and accessing the wisdom of your inner self. This is a welcome time for dreamwork and listening to your subconscious.

  • Spiritual Connection: Pisces is associated with spirituality, mysticism, and the unseen realms. The new moon in Pisces encourages spiritual exploration, connection with higher dimensions, and a deeper relationship with your spiritual side.

  • Emotional Healing and Release: Pisces energy is deeply empathetic and compassionate, making it a potent time for emotional healing and release. The new moon in Pisces invites you to delve into your emotional depths, acknowledge any wounds or traumas, and engage in practices that facilitate healing and forgiveness.

  • Creative Inspiration: Pisces is a sign of creativity and imagination. During the new moon in Pisces, there is a focus on tapping into your creative potential, exploring artistic expression, and allowing inspiration to flow freely.

  • Surrender and Letting Go: Pisces energy is associated with surrender and dissolution of boundaries. The new moon in Pisces invites you to surrender control, release attachment to outcomes, and trust in the natural flow of life.

  • Compassion and Empathy: Pisces is characterized by empathy, compassion, and unconditional love. During the new moon in Pisces, there is an emphasis on extending compassion to yourself and others, practicing forgiveness, and fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

  • Dreamwork and Introspection: Pisces is deeply connected to the world of dreams, imagination, and the subconscious mind. The new moon in Pisces encourages dreamwork, introspection, and exploring the hidden realms of the psyche for insights and guidance. For some practical tips on new moon dreamwork and dream journaling, check out my other post on The Narrative Boutique.

Using Herbs during the New Moon

Using Herbs during the New Moon

Incorporating herbs into New moon Rituals amplifies energy

Incorporating herbs into new moon rituals uplifts the ritual experience, deepening a connection with nature, and amplifying the surrounding energetic vibrations.

Including herbs in new moon rituals and practices can support your experience in several ways:

  • Symbolism and Sacredness: Herbs have been used for thousands of years in spiritual and healing practices due to their symbolic significance and perceived medicinal properties. By incorporating herbs into new moon rituals, you can tap into the ancient wisdom and the sacredness associated with specific plants, thus uplifting the potency and resonance with your new moon intentions.

  • Aromatherapy and Sensory Stimulation: Herbs emit aromatic compounds that can stimulate the senses and evoke specific emotions or states of consciousness. Certain herbs, such as lavender or sage, are known for their calming and purifying properties, while others, like rosemary or frankincense, are believed to stimulate clarity and focus. By engaging the senses through aromatherapy, herbs can enhance your new moon ritual experience and support a deeper connection with the energy of herbs.

  • Energetic Properties: Different herbs are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can influence the energy field of individuals and spaces. For example, herbs like rosemary or cedar are associated with protection and purification, while herbs like mugwort or vervain are believed to uplift psychic awareness and intuition. By selecting herbs that resonate with your intentions and the energy of the current moon phase, you can amplify the energy of your intentions.

  • Connection to Nature: Herbs are gifts from the natural world and carry an energy-imprint of the earth, sun, and moon. By incorporating herbs into new moon rituals, you can deepen your connection to nature and align with the cyclical rhythms of the earth and cosmos. This connection can enhance your new moon ritual's resonance with the energies of the moon and help foster a sense of harmony and balance.

  • Intentions and Ritual Magic: The act of incorporating herbs into a ritual is a deliberate form of intention setting and ritual magic. As individuals engage in the ritualistic process of selecting, preparing, and using herbs, they imbue these plants with their intentions and energy, thereby amplifying the potency of the ritual and aligning with the energies of the new moon.

Using Herbs during the New Moon in Pisces

Using Herbs during a New Moon in Pisces

incorporating herbs into Intentions and Practices inspired by the New Moon in Pisces can be a symbolic and intentional way to amplify Piscean energy.

Using herbs during the new moon in Pisces offers a unique opportunity to tap into the mystical and intuitive energies associated with this watery sign.

Here’s how herbs can help:

  • Intuition and Spirituality: Pisces is deeply connected to intuition, spirituality, and the unseen realms. Herbs known for their intuitive and spiritual properties, such as mugwort, jasmine, or lavender, can amplify Piscean energy by supporting intuitive abilities, deepening spiritual connection, and facilitating communication with the subconscious mind and higher realms.

  • Emotional Healing and Release: Pisces energy is empathetic, compassionate, and deeply sensitive to emotions. Herbs with calming and nurturing properties, such as chamomile, rose, or ylang-ylang, can support emotional healing and release during the new moon in Pisces, helping us to navigate our emotions with greater ease and compassion.

  • Creative Inspiration: Pisces is a sign of creativity and imagination. Herbs known to be creatively inspiring, such as jasmine or rosemary, can stimulate the imagination and encourage artistic expression during the new moon in Pisces, fostering a deeper connection to one's creative muse and supporting the flow of creative energy.

  • Surrender and Letting Go: Pisces energy invites us to surrender control, release attachment to outcomes, and trust in the natural flow of life. Herbs with grounding and purifying properties can assist us in letting go of what no longer serves us, embracing the process of surrender and release encouraged during the new moon in Pisces.

  • Psychic Awareness: Pisces is associated with psychic abilities, dreams, and the subconscious mind. Herbs known for their psychic-enhancing properties, such as mugwort, vervain, or frankincense, can amplify Piscean energy by heightening psychic awareness, supporting dream recall, and facilitating access to intuitive insights and guidance from the higher realms.

By selecting complementary herbs that resonate with the energies of Pisces and align with your intentions for the new moon ritual, you can amplify Piscean energy and deepen your connection to the mystical and intuitive aspects of this lunar phase. Experiment with different herbs, blends, or rituals to discover which combinations resonate most strongly with you and support your spiritual and emotional growth during each new moon phase.

Herbs Aligned with Pisces

Herbs Aligned with Pisces

Herbs that complement Pisces traits often share several characteristics:

While each herb mentioned—lavender, mugwort, , lemon balm, jasmine, chamomile, rose, and frankincense—has its own unique properties and associations, there are several characteristics that they share:

  • Calming and Soothing: All of these herbs possess calming and soothing properties that help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and ease tension in the body and mind. They are commonly used in aromatherapy, herbal teas, and bath rituals to induce feelings of tranquility and inner peace.

  • Spiritual and Mystical: Many of these herbs have spiritual and mystical associations, making them valuable tools for meditation, prayer, and ritual work. They can help deepen spiritual connection, support intuition, and facilitate communication with higher realms.

  • Emotionally Healing: These herbs are known for their ability to promote emotional healing and well-being. They can help soothe feelings of anxiety, depression, or grief, and foster a sense of inner calm and balance. They are often used in holistic healing practices to support emotional health and resilience.

  • Aromatic and Fragrant: Most of these herbs have a pleasant and aromatic fragrance that uplifts the spirit and enhances mood. Their delightful scents can evoke feelings of joy, serenity, and positivity, making them popular ingredients in perfumes, incense, and natural remedies.

  • Culturally Significant: Many of these herbs have been used for thousands of years in various cultures around the world for their medicinal, spiritual, and ceremonial purposes. They hold deep cultural and symbolic significance and are often incorporated into traditional rituals, ceremonies, and folk remedies.

Herbs share a common thread of promoting holistic well-being, deepening a spiritual connection, and fostering emotional healing. Whether used individually or in combination, they can serve as powerful allies in supporting health, harmony, and vitality on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Several herbs are aligned with the energy of Pisces due to their associations with intuition, spirituality, and emotional healing.

Here are some herbs that resonate with Piscean energy:


Lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties, making it ideal for promoting relaxation, emotional balance, and spiritual connection. It can help ease anxiety, promote restful sleep, and enhance intuitive awareness, aligning with Piscean traits of empathy and sensitivity.


Mugwort is revered for its potent psychic enhancing properties and its ability to stimulate vivid dreams and intuitive insights. It is often used in dreamwork, divination, and spiritual practices to access the subconscious mind and connect with higher realms, making it a natural ally for Pisces energy.


Jasmine is associated with love, spirituality, and creativity. Its sweet and intoxicating fragrance uplifts the spirit, promotes emotional healing, and inspires creativity and imagination. Jasmine can enhance spiritual connection, deepen intuition, and foster a sense of inner peace, aligning with Piscean qualities of compassion and intuition.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm resonates with Pisces traits through its calming and soothing properties, fostering the gentle and compassionate nature of Pisces individuals, while also enhancing intuition and creativity, allowing them to connect deeply with their spiritual and imaginative sides.


Chamomile is renowned for its calming and soothing properties, making it a popular herb for relaxation, stress relief, and emotional healing. It can help soothe anxiety, promote restful sleep, and ease tension in the body and mind, aligning with Piscean traits of compassion and empathy.


Rose is associated with love, beauty, and emotional healing. Its delicate fragrance uplifts the spirit, opens the heart chakra, and promotes feelings of self-love and compassion. Rose can help heal emotional wounds, enhance intuition, and deepen spiritual connection, resonating with Piscean energy of love and sensitivity.


Frankincense is revered for its purifying and spiritual properties, making it a powerful tool for meditation, prayer, and ritual work. It can help cleanse and protect the energy field, enhance spiritual connection, and deepen contemplative practices, aligning with Piscean qualities of spirituality and intuition.

These herbs can be used in various forms, such as herbal teas, aromatherapy oils, sachets, or ritual baths, to harness their energetic properties and align with the energies of Pisces. Experiment with different herbs and rituals to discover which resonate most strongly with you and support your spiritual and emotional well-being during the Pisces season.

Herbal Recipes for the New Moon in Pisces

Herbal Recipes for the New Moon in Pisces

Crafting herbal recipes during a new moon in Pisces can be a nourishing and supportive practice that aligns with the energies of intuition, emotional healing, creativity, and spirituality associated with this mystical lunar phase. Whether it’s brewing herbal teas, creating herbal bath blends, or concocting herbal remedies, feel free to infuse your recipes with intention, intuition, and a simple reverence for the natural world, and prepare to connect with the mystical energies of the Pisces new moon!

Find herbal recipes below to support your ritual during the new moon in Pisces:

Piscean Dream Herbal Tea Blend

Piscean Dream Herbal Tea Blend

Creating an herbal tea blend to support Piscean traits involves selecting herbs that resonate with intuition, emotional healing, spirituality, and creativity. Here's a simple herbal tea blend recipe tailored to support Piscean energy:


  • 1 part dried chamomile flowers

  • 1 part dried lavender buds

  • 1 part dried jasmine flowers

  • 1 part dried rose petals

  • Optional: a pinch of dried mugwort leaves or vervain leaves


1. Start by gathering your dried herbs. If using fresh herbs, make sure to dry them thoroughly before blending.

2. Combine the chamomile flowers, lavender buds, jasmine flowers, and rose petals in a small mixing bowl.

3. Add a pinch of dried mugwort leaves or vervain leaves if desired, to support intuitive and dream-enhancing properties.

4. Mix the herbs together until well combined.

5. Store the herbal tea blend in an airtight container, preferably a glass jar, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

6. To prepare the tea, steep 2 teaspoons of the herbal blend per 8 oz cup of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, depending on your preference. Strain the herbs, sweeten if desired, and enjoy the soothing and calming benefits of this Piscean-inspired tea.

This herbal tea blend is designed to support Piscean traits such as intuition, emotional healing, spirituality, and creativity. Chamomile and lavender offer calming and soothing properties to help ease tension and promote relaxation, while jasmine and rose add a touch of sweetness, while supporting spiritual connection and creativity. The optional addition of mugwort or vervain further supports intuition and dreamwork, making this tea blend supportive of spiritual practices and your connection to your subconscious. Adjust the proportions according to your taste and desired potency. Feel free to experiment with other herbs you resonate with at this time!

Note: It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new herbs into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

Piscean Dream Herbal Bath Salt

Piscean Dream HERBAL Bath Salt Recipe


  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 1/2 cup Himalayan pink salt

  • 1/4 cup dried chamomile flowers

  • 1/4 cup dried lavender

    1/4 cup dried rose petals

  • 10-15 drops lavender essential oil

  • 5-10 drops jasmine essential oil

  • Optional: A small piece of amethyst or clear quartz for enhancing spiritual connection and intuition.


1. In a mixing bowl, combine the Epsom salt and Himalayan pink salt.

2. Add the dried flowers to the salt mixture, stirring well to combine.

3. Slowly add the essential oils to the mixture, stirring until evenly distributed.

4. Transfer the bath salt mixture to an airtight container or jar for storage.

5. To use, add a generous scoop of the bath salts to warm bathwater. Allow the salts to dissolve completely before soaking in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

6. Relax and enjoy the soothing and grounding properties of the bath salts, allowing them to support your intentions and practices during the full moon in Virgo.

This herbal bath salt blend is designed to support Piscean traits such as intuition, emotional healing, relaxation, and spiritual connection. Epsom salt and sea salt help relax muscles and soothe tension, while chamomile, lavender, and rose promote relaxation, calmness, and emotional healing. Lavender and jasmine essential oils enhance the aromatic experience and deepen the connection to Piscean energy, creating a luxurious and rejuvenating bath experience. The optional addition of a crystal further supports the spiritual and intuitive aspects of the bath, making it an ideal ritual for connecting with the energies of the new moon. Adjust the proportions of the ingredients according to your preference and desired potency, and feel free to experiment with other herbs and essential oils that resonate with Piscean energy.

Piscean Dream Pillow

Piscean Dream Pillow

Another type of herbal-inspired recipe to support Piscean traits is a Piscean Dream Pillow. Dream pillows are small sachets filled with aromatic herbs and flowers that are traditionally placed under the pillow to promote relaxation, enhance dreams, and deepen sleep. Here's a simple recipe for a Piscean-inspired dream pillow:


  • 1 part dried chamomile flowers

  • 1 part dried lavender buds

  • 1 part dried rose petals

  • 1 part dried mugwort leaves

  • 1 part dried jasmine flowers

  • Optional: a small piece of amethyst or clear quartz crystal for enhancing intuition and dreamwork

  • Fabric for creating the pillow (e.g., cotton, muslin, or linen)

  • Sewing supplies (needle, thread, scissors)


1. In a mixing bowl, combine the dried chamomile flowers, lavender buds, rose petals, mugwort leaves, and jasmine flowers. Mix the herbs together until well combined.

2. If using a crystal, place it in the center of the herb mixture and gently mix it in.

3. Cut two pieces of fabric into desired shapes and sizes for the dream pillow. Rectangular or square shapes work well, but you can get creative with different shapes and sizes.

4. Place one piece of fabric on top of the other, with the desired outside facing inward.

5. Sew around the edges of the fabric, leaving a small opening for filling the pillow with the herb mixture.

6. Flip right-side-in and carefully fill the pillow with the herb mixture, ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout.

7. If desired, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the herb mixture for added fragrance and relaxation.

8. Once filled, sew the opening closed to secure the pillow.

9. Place the Piscean Dream Pillow under your regular pillow or near your bedside to promote relaxation, support dreamwork, and deepen sleep.

This Piscean Dream Pillow is designed to support Piscean traits such as intuition, emotional healing, relaxation, and dreamwork. Chamomile, lavender, rose, mugwort, and jasmine offer calming and soothing properties to help relax the mind and body, promote restful sleep, and support dream recall and lucidity. The optional addition of a crystal further enhances the spiritual and intuitive aspects of the dream pillow, making it an ideal tool for connecting with the energies of the new moon in Pisces. Adjust the proportions of the herbs according to your preference and desired potency, and feel free to customize the pillow with other herbs or essential oils that resonate with Piscean energy.

Approach these recipes with mindfulness, focusing on the symbolic qualities of each herb. Adjust proportions and combinations based on personal preferences and sensitivities. Best wishes on your journey to become more intuitive, imaginative and compassionate! Cheers to your beautiful energy during this mystical new moon!


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