An Herbal Guide to the New Moon in Aquarius

— 16 minute read —

Your Moment of Innovation

Using herbs During the New Moon to become more innovative, Independent, and Humanitarian

There are specific herbs that align with Aquarian traits that can be used to support intentions made during an Aquarian moon’s energy. The new moon in Aquarius signifies a time of fresh beginnings and innovative energies. During this phase, the moon aligns with the sun in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, intensifying the characteristics associated with this sign. This new moon also marks the Lunar New Year in the lunisolar calendar, making it an especially valuable time to start fresh and set intentions for the upcoming moon phase and the entire lunar year. Herbs possess unique properties that resonate with specific astrological traits, providing a natural and symbolic way to use them in setting intentions aligned with cosmic energy. Using herbs that compliment Aquarius can boost an intention-setting practice during the new moon, especially if those intentions align with Aquarian themes like innovation, independence, and humanitarianism.

Herbs for the New Moon in Aquarius

Welcome to the New Moon in Aquarius!

In this post, we’ll explore the following themes:

  • New Moon Energies and Intentions: We’ll dive into the significance of the new moon in Aquarius and its potential influence on setting intentions and initiating new beginnings. We’ll look at specific Aquarian traits and explain how using specific herbs during this lunar phase can amplify Aquarian energy to help you align your intentions with it.

  • Herbs Aligned with Aquarius Traits: We will explore herbs that resonate with the characteristic traits of Aquarius, such as innovation, independence, and humanitarianism, and I’ll highlight how these herbs can elevate and support the positive qualities associated with the sign.

  • Herbal Practices, Rituals, and Recipes: I’ll provide practical tips for rituals and recipes centering around an Aquarian new moon and highlight ways to incorporate supporting herbs into daily practices during the new moon, guiding you on how to create an intentional herbal ritual to harness Aquarian energy during the new moon.

Sound good? Let’s get started.

New Moon Energies and Intentions

Astrological events, including the new moon, are often seen as powerful times for reflection, intention-setting, and aligning oneself with the energies of the zodiac sign involved. The new moon is considered a powerful time for setting intentions because it marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. During this phase, the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, appearing as the dark moon — almost invisible in the night sky. Symbolically, it represents a blank slate or a cosmic reset.

Setting intentions during the new moon is thought to be particularly potent for several reasons:

  • New Beginnings: The new moon marks the start of a new lunar cycle, symbolizing fresh starts and new beginnings. It's an opportune time to plant seeds for what you want to manifest in your life.

  • Energetic Alignment: Each zodiac sign is associated with specific qualities and energies. Setting intentions that align with the characteristics of the sign the moon is in (in this case, Aquarius) is believed to tap into and amplify those energies, boosting the manifestation process.

  • Increased Lunar Energy: The gravitational pull of the moon is strongest during the new moon phase. Some believe this heightened lunar energy can support the manifestation of intentions and goals.

  • Connection to Natural Cycles: Many people find that aligning their intentions with the natural cycles of the moon creates a sense of harmony with the universe. It's a way of syncing personal goals with broader cosmic rhythms and cycles.

New Moon Themes during Aquarius

You don’t have to share prominent Aquarian traits to benefit from Aquarian themes, especially when aligning them with your goals and intentions for this lunar phase. Key themes during the new moon in Aquarius may include:

  • Innovation and Change: A time to embrace new ideas, technologies, and unconventional approaches, Aquarius is known for its forward-thinking nature, making this an opportune moment for initiating change.

  • Community and Social Connections: Aquarius values community and social causes. The new moon in Aquarius encourages collaboration, networking, and contributing to the greater good.

  • Individuality and Authenticity: Embrace your unique self-expression. Aquarius encourages you to be true to yourself and to explore your independence.

  • Intellectual Pursuits: The influence of Aquarius emphasizes intellectual growth, making this a favorable time for learning, brainstorming, and engaging in thought-provoking activities.

  • Setting Intentions for the Future: Use the energy of the new moon to set intentions related to your aspirations, especially those aligned with innovation, social progress, and personal growth.

While the new moon is seen as a powerful time for intention-setting, it's important to note that the effectiveness lies in the intention itself and the commitment to taking practical steps toward your goals. The lunar phases provide a framework for mindfulness, reflection, and an alignment with natural cycles and personal aspirations, but it is up to you to see your intentions through.

Using Herbs during the New Moon

Using Herbs during the New Moon

Why Incorporating herbs into new moon Rituals amplifies energy:

Using complementary herbs during the new moon can be a symbolic and intentional practice, amplifying the energy of the lunar phase for several reasons:

  • Symbolic Alignment: Herbs often carry symbolic meanings and associations with specific energies. Choosing herbs that align with the qualities of the new moon or the zodiac sign it's in (such as Aquarius) can enhance the symbolism of the new moon phase, creating a more profound connection with its energy.

  • Intentions and Manifestation: The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions and initiating new beginnings. Complementary herbs can be incorporated into rituals or practices to infuse these intentions with additional energy, fostering a harmonious alignment between personal goals and the cosmic energy of the new moon.

  • Energetic Resonance: Herbs have energetic qualities that can resonate with different aspects of human experience. Using herbs during the new moon can help individuals attune themselves to the specific energies associated with the lunar phase, enhancing receptivity, intuition, and a sense of renewal.

  • Ritual and Mindfulness: Incorporating herbs into rituals during the new moon encourages mindfulness and intentionality. The act of selecting, preparing, and using herbs becomes a focused practice that helps individuals attune to the present moment, fostering a deeper connection with Earth and the energy of the new moon.

  • Cultural and Spiritual Traditions: Many cultures and spiritual practices incorporate herbs into rituals during significant celestial events. Utilizing complementary herbs during the new moon aligns with these traditions, providing a sense of continuity with broader cultural or spiritual practices.

Using complementary herbs during the new moon serves as a deliberate and mindful way to engage with the cosmic energies associated with this lunar phase. It adds a layer of intentionality, symbolism, and energetic resonance to personal practices, supporting the overall experience of setting intentions and embracing new opportunities.

Using Herbs During a New Moon in Aquarius

Using Herbs during a New Moon in Aquarius

How incorporating herbs into rituals inspired by the new moon in Aquarius can be a symbolic and intentional way to amplify Aquarian energy:

  • Select Aquarius-Aligned Herbs: Choose herbs that align with Aquarian traits, such as innovation, independence, and humanitarianism. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, and sage are often associated with mental clarity, calmness, and spiritual insight, fostering the open-minded and forward-thinking nature of Aquarius.

  • Create a Sacred Space: Use herbs to create a sacred space for your new moon rituals. Creating ritual in this space by using herbs that resonate with Aquarian traits can amplify the energy in this space.

  • Herbal Infusions for Intention Setting: Brew herbal teas with Aquarius-aligned herbs like lavender, chamomile, and peppermint. As you sip the tea, focus on your intentions, allowing the herbal essence to support your clarity of thought and innovative ideas. This ritual can enhance your connection with Aquarian energies, while enjoying the calming and invigorating properties during reflective moments.

  • Herb-Infused Bath or Foot-Soak: Soak in a bath infused with Aquarius-associated herbs or create a foot soak. This not only provides physical relaxation but also aligns with the Aquarian desire for personal freedom and self-expression. Draw a bath infused with herbs like eucalyptus, lavender, or rosemary. This can be a relaxing and purifying experience, aligning with Aquarian themes of self-care.

  • Herbal Aromatherapy: Utilize herbal aromatherapy during meditation or reflection. Inhaling the scents of herbs like peppermint or rosemary can stimulate mental clarity and promote innovative thinking, supporting Aquarian qualities. Use essential oils derived from Aquarius-associated herbs in aromatherapy practices. Diffuse scents like lavender or eucalyptus to promote relaxation and mental clarity.

  • Herbal Talismans: Create herbal sachets or talismans with Aquarius-aligned herbs. Carry them with you or place them in spaces where you set intentions to infuse the surroundings with Aquarian energy. Use herbs like chamomile, lavender, or sage. Carry them as a symbol of your intentions and a connection to Aquarian energies.

Approaching these practices with mindfulness and intention, allowing the chosen herbs to enhance your connection with the unique energies of the Aquarian new moon phase is key. Use herbs with intention, focusing on the qualities and energies associated with Aquarius. Whether through aromatherapy, teas, or symbolic rituals, herbs can serve as powerful tools to enhance your connection with the energy of the new moon in Aquarius.

Herbs Aligned with Aquarius

Herbs Aligned with Aquarius

Understanding which herbs complement the traits of a particular astrological sign, such as Aquarius, can be beneficial as it allows us to align our holistic well-being with the energetic qualities associated with that sign. As herbs possess unique properties that resonate with specific astrological traits, they naturally provide a symbolic way to support desired traits. For example, using herbs aligned with Aquarius can amplify qualities like innovation, independence, and humanitarianism. This herbal knowledge adds a layer of intentionality to daily practices, rituals, or self-care routines, fostering a sense of harmony between personal energies and the broader cosmic influences. It becomes a tool for intentional living — supporting emotional, mental, and spiritual balance in alignment with the astrological energies at play.

Herbs that complement Aquarius include those that support mental clarity, innovation, and overall well-being.

Find specific herbs that complement Aquarius below.

How Lavender Compliments Aquarius

How Lavender Compliments Aquarius

Lavender enhances relaxation and mental focus, promoting a calm and clear mindset. It is associated with several properties that can support and complement the positive traits of Aquarius:

  • Clarity and Mental Focus: Lavender is known for its calming and soothing aroma, helping to alleviate stress and promote mental clarity. As Aquarians often thrive on innovation and forward-thinking, a clear and focused mind can enhance one’s ability to generate and implement creative ideas.

  • Individuality and Independence: Aquarians value individuality and independence. Lavender's calming effects can encourage self-reflection and a sense of inner peace, supporting unique perspectives and independence.

  • Open-Mindedness: Lavender is traditionally associated with promoting a sense of calmness and receptivity. As Aquarians tend to be open-minded and receptive to new ideas, incorporating lavender into one’s environment can support these qualities, fostering an environment conducive to exploration and innovation.

  • Stress Reduction: Aquarians may find themselves involved in various projects and pursuits. Lavender's stress-reducing properties can help maintain a sense of balance and calm, allowing challenges to be navigated with a more composed and focused mindset.

  • Promoting Restful Sleep: Lavender is often used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. As an active and busy mind is an Aquarian trait, incorporating lavender into one’s bedtime routine can support restful sleep, contributing to overall well-being and vitality.

While the effects of herbs like lavender can vary from person to person, many individuals find that incorporating lavender into daily routines supports a sense of overall well-being, a welcome accommodation for any sign!

How Eucalyptus Compliments Aquarius

How Eucalyptus Compliments Aquarius

Known for its invigorating and refreshing properties, eucalyptus supports the Aquarian desire for renewal and can lift the positive traits of Aquarius in several ways:

  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Eucalyptus has a refreshing and invigorating aroma that can help clear the mind and enhance mental focus. This aligns with Aquarius' penchant for innovative thinking and problem-solving, providing a stimulating environment for creative ideas to flourish.

  • Open-Mindedness: Eucalyptus is known for its ability to promote alertness and awareness. As Aquarians are often open-minded and receptive to new concepts, incorporating eucalyptus can amplify these qualities, creating an environment conducive to exploration and intellectual curiosity.

  • Revitalization and Energy: The energizing properties of eucalyptus can help boost vitality and combat fatigue. This is beneficial for Aquarians who may be involved in various pursuits, as it supports sustained energy levels, allowing them to pursue their interests with enthusiasm.

  • Balancing Independence and Connection: Aquarians value independence but also have a strong sense of community. Eucalyptus, with its balancing and grounding effects, can help you maintain a harmonious balance between your desire for individuality and your inclination toward collaborative efforts for the greater good.

  • Respiratory Support: Eucalyptus is often used to support respiratory health. As Aquarians are associated with the air element in astrology, incorporating eucalyptus can be a symbolic and supportive practice, aligning with their elemental connection and promoting overall well-being.

Whether through aromatherapy, diffusers, or incorporating eucalyptus in daily rituals, Aquarians can benefit from the uplifting and clarifying effects of this herb, enhancing their positive traits and contributing to a balanced and vibrant lifestyle.

How Peppermint Compliments Aquarius

Aiding in mental alertness and creativity, and aligning with Aquarius' innovative nature, peppermint can support the positive traits of Aquarius in several ways:

  • Mental Stimulation: Peppermint is known for its invigorating scent, which can help stimulate the mind and promote mental alertness. For Aquarians, who often enjoy exploring new ideas and innovative concepts, the refreshing aroma of peppermint can enhance mental clarity and creativity.

  • Open-Mindedness: The energizing properties of peppermint align with Aquarius' open-minded nature. Using peppermint can contribute to a mindset that is receptive to new perspectives and willing to embrace unconventional ideas, fostering the spirit of innovation.

  • Energy and Vitality: Peppermint is often associated with an energy boost. Aquarians, with their dynamic and active approach to life, can benefit from the revitalizing effects of peppermint, helping to maintain their enthusiasm and vitality as they pursue various interests.

  • Emotional Well-Being: Peppermint is known for its calming effects on the nervous system. For Aquarians who may find themselves immersed in numerous projects and activities, incorporating peppermint can provide a sense of balance and emotional well-being, supporting their overall mental health.

  • Communication and Expression: The crisp and clear aroma of peppermint may aid in communication. Aquarians, who value effective communication and expression, can benefit from the refreshing nature of peppermint, creating an environment conducive to articulate and innovative exchanges.

Whether through peppermint tea, essential oil diffusers, or incorporating the herb in rituals, Aquarians can explore how peppermint enhances their positive qualities, contributing to mental acuity, open-mindedness, and overall well-being.

How Chamomile Compliments Aquarius

How Chamomile Compliments Aquarius

Helping soothe the mind and promote relaxation, and balancing the sometimes intense mental energy of Aquarians, Chamomile can support the positive traits of Aquarius in several ways:

  • Stress Reduction: Chamomile is well-known for its calming and soothing properties. For Aquarians who may experience mental fatigue due to their active minds and varied interests, chamomile can help alleviate stress, promoting relaxation and emotional balance.

  • Promoting Restful Sleep: Aquarians may find their minds buzzing with ideas, making it challenging to unwind. Chamomile tea or aromatherapy can contribute to a sense of calm, aiding in relaxation before bedtime and supporting a restful night's sleep.

  • Encouraging Introspection: Chamomile's gentle calming effect can facilitate a peaceful atmosphere for introspection. Aquarians, known for their innovative thinking, may benefit from moments of quiet reflection facilitated by chamomile, allowing them to connect with their thoughts and insights.

  • Digestive Support: Chamomile is known to aid digestion and soothe the stomach. For Aquarians who are often involved in various activities, the calming effects on the digestive system can contribute to an overall sense of well-being, allowing them to focus on their pursuits with comfort.

  • Embracing Emotional Sensitivity: Aquarians, despite their intellectual focus, may have emotional depth. Chamomile's calming influence can help Aquarians tap into and embrace their emotional sensitivity, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Whether through chamomile tea, essential oil diffusers, or incorporating chamomile in rituals, Aquarians can explore how this herb enhances their positive qualities, contributing to a calm mind, restful energy, and emotional harmony.

How Rosemary Compliments Aquarius

how Rosemary Compliments Aquarius

Boosting memory and concentration, and supporting the intellectual pursuits often associated with Aquarius, Rosemary can support the positive traits of Aquarius in several ways:

  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Rosemary has a stimulating scent that is associated with enhanced cognitive function. For Aquarians who value innovation and intellectual pursuits, the invigorating aroma of rosemary can promote mental clarity and concentration, aiding in the generation of creative ideas.

  • Inspiration and Creativity: The aromatic properties of rosemary have been linked to boosting inspiration and creativity. Aquarians, known for their inventive thinking, can benefit from incorporating rosemary to create an environment that fosters fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

  • Energy and Vitality: Rosemary is often associated with increased energy levels. For Aquarians engaged in various activities and pursuits, the revitalizing effects of rosemary can help maintain enthusiasm and vitality, supporting their dynamic approach to life.

  • Promoting Positivity: Rosemary is believed to have mood-enhancing properties. Aquarians, who may navigate various challenges with an optimistic outlook, can use rosemary to promote a positive atmosphere, contributing to emotional well-being.

  • Cleansing and Clarity: Rosemary has been historically associated with purification and clarity. Using rosemary in rituals or as part of a cleansing routine can help Aquarians create a clear and focused mindset, aligning with their preference for innovative and forward-thinking endeavors.

Whether through rosemary-infused dishes, aromatherapy, or incorporating the herb in rituals, Aquarians can explore how rosemary supports their positive qualities, contributing to mental sharpness, creative inspiration, and overall well-being.

How Sage Compliments Aquarius

Traditionally used for purification, sage aligns with the progressive and forward-thinking mindset of Aquarians. Sage can support the positive traits of Aquarius in several ways:

  • Cleansing and Clarity: Sage has long been used for its purifying properties. Aquarians, known for their innovative thinking, can use sage to create a clean and focused environment, removing stagnant energy and promoting mental clarity.

  • Spiritual Connection: Sage is often associated with spiritual practices. For Aquarians who appreciate exploring unconventional ideas and philosophies, burning sage can serve as a ritual to enhance spiritual connection and foster a sense of inner exploration.

  • Balancing Independence and Harmony: Sage is believed to bring balance. Aquarians, valuing both independence and community, can use sage to create harmony in their personal space, supporting a balanced approach to relationships and individuality.

  • Stress Reduction: Sage's calming scent can contribute to stress reduction. Aquarians engaged in multiple interests and projects can use sage as part of a calming ritual, promoting relaxation and emotional balance.

  • Setting Intentions: Sage is often used in rituals to set intentions. Aquarians can incorporate sage into their intention-setting practices during the new moon or other significant moments, aligning with their forward-thinking and goal-oriented nature.

Whether through smudging rituals, aromatherapy, or incorporating sage in ceremonies, Aquarians can explore how sage complements their positive qualities, contributing to a clear mind, balanced energy, and a sense of purpose.

Incorporating these herbs into aromatherapy, teas, or daily rituals may resonate well when aligning Aquarian themes with your personal aspiration and intention setting rituals.

Herbal Recipes for the New Moon in Aquarius

Herbal Recipes for the New Moon in Aquarius

Crafting recipes using herbs aligned with Aquarius can support a new moon in Aquarius intention-setting ritual by synergizing the energies of both the herbs and the lunar phase. Aquarius, known for its innovative and forward-thinking nature, can be complemented by herbs like lavender, chamomile, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, and peppermint — fostering mental clarity and creativity. These herbs, when incorporated into teas, bath rituals, or cleaning practices during the new moon, create a harmonious atmosphere for setting intentions; for example, lavender brings a calming influence, chamomile encourages introspection, and rosemary stimulates mental focus. Together, they support the open-minded and visionary qualities associated with Aquarius, helping you to align your intentions with the transformative energy of the new moon. Building herbal recipes into ritual becomes a sensory experience, enhancing the clarity of purpose and nurturing the innovative spirit of Aquarius during this auspicious lunar phase.

Find herbal recipes below to support your intention building ritual during the new moon in Aquarius:

Aquarian Clarity Tea Recipe

Aquarian Clarity Tea Recipe


  • 1 part dried lavender flowers

  • 1 part dried chamomile flowers

  • 1 part dried rosemary leaves


  • Steep one tablespoon of dried herbs per 12 oz cup of boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

  • Add a natural sweetener if desired, and strain and sip the tea slowly, focusing on your intentions for the new moon.

  • Use your senses to embrace the calming effects of lavender, the introspective qualities of chamomile, and the mental clarity of rosemary to enhance your intention-building process.

Aquarian Moon Herbal Bath Salt Recipe

Aquarian Moon HERBAL Bath Salt Recipe


  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 1/2 cup sea salt

  • 1/4 cup baking soda

  • 10-20 drops peppermint essential oil

  • 10-20 drops eucalyptus essential oil

  • Dried peppermint, sage, or eucalyptus leaves (optional, for visual appeal)


  • In a mixing bowl, combine the Epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda. Stir the dry ingredients together until well blended.

  • Add the peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils to the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of the oils.

  • If desired, incorporate dried herb leaves into the mixture for visual appeal and added fragrance.

  • Transfer the herbal bath salt mixture to an airtight container to preserve freshness.

  • To use, add a desired amount of the herbal bath salts to warm running bathwater. Stir the water to dissolve the salts.

  • Relax in the aromatic bath, allowing the invigorating scents of peppermint and eucalyptus to promote a sense of refreshment and rejuvenation.

This herbal bath salt recipe combines the soothing properties of Epsom salt with the invigorating scents of peppermint and eucalyptus, creating a perfect blend for a relaxing and refreshing bath during the new moon in Aquarius or any time you need to unwind and uplift your spirits. Adjust the essential oil quantities based on personal preference.

Aquarian Energy Cleansing Bundle Recipe

Aquarian Energy Cleansing Bundle Recipe


  • Rosemary sprigs

  • Sage leaves

  • Lavender stems

  • Cotton or hemp twine

  • Scissors


  • Bundle dried rosemary, sage, and lavender stems together into a small bouquet.

  • Trim any excess stems or leaves from the herbs, leaving a bouquet of uniform length. Make sure the herbs are dry to prevent mold during the drying process.

  • Ensure the bundle is compact and won't easily fall apart.

  • Using cotton or hemp twine, start wrapping the twine tightly around the base of the bundle. Leave a little extra twine at the beginning to tie a knot. Continue wrapping in a spiral pattern, working your way up the bundle.

  • Once you reach the top of the bundle, tie a tight knot to secure the twine. You can leave a length of twine hanging to use as a handle.

  • Trim any excess twine, ensuring it won't catch fire when you light the bundle.

  • Hang the bundle upside down in a dry, well-ventilated area for several weeks to ensure it is fully dried.

  • Once the bundle is fully dried, store it in a cool, dry place. When ready to use, light one end and allow it to smolder. Use the smoke to cleanse and purify your space, making room for new intentions and opportunities.

  • Remember to approach smoke cleansing with respect and intention, and be cautious with fire safety.

Approach these recipes with mindfulness, focusing on your intentions and the symbolic qualities of each herb. Adjust proportions and combinations based on personal preferences and sensitivities. Best wishes on your journey to become more innovative, independent, and humanitarian! Cheers to your new moon cycle!
